Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Update since September 2011 through 2012

So ... I've been a bad, bad blogger. My last substantial update was October 2011 and a ton has happened. 

So late in October I was able to attend my 20th High School Reunion. It was interesting to see how some people having grown and others really have stayed the same. I guess some high school stereotypes are hard to break. Still, getting to see old friends and catch up was really nice. A good distraction from what has been going on over the past year.

In January my PET scan and bone marrows came back clean. The amyloid beast is still slain. Hopefully it will stay dead. So cancer is on the back burner and the heart is the looming issue now.

On a cheery note, Alyson and I met with the fertility doctor and discussions began. Did I present a good enough specimen from before? Would Alyson have viable eggs (yeah like that was even a question Ms. Healthy as a horse)? Are we crazy enough to try this? It appears that all the questions were in the affirmative. So, we all shook hands and the doctor agreed to try and get my wife pregnant. All I had to do was give her a bunch of shots over several weeks!!! I have to say, when I put it that way it's just disturbing. But lo and behold, ask and ye shall receive. So, the procedure ensued and then several weeks later we waited for the news. Were we pregnant or was it going to be rinse and repeat? Great news!!!! We were pregnant with twins no less. The news alone has probably cause some men to start having heart problems. So, three way high five .... yeehaw. Now the next big question. Boys? Mix and match? Girls? We each had our own preference but regardless, we agreed as long as they were healthy, we didn't care what they were and in what combination!!

Alyson, was a champ through the whole pregnancy. The woman is amazing. I'm still looking through the house for her Wonder Woman uniform and invisible jet parked outside.
In June, I was cleared to go back to work which was nice. Everybody seems to think being out for medical leave is a big party and vacation. Yeah, people I was sitting on the beach drinking margaritas in Mexico. More like tons of doctors visits and needles sucking things out and inject other crap into the body.

By the way, for all out there wondering. When you get your immune system "rebooted", guess what???? That's right you get all your immunizations all over again!!!! Yea for more shots and the wonderful after effects of their contents, fever, chills ... sore ass.

In November, along came our twin girls!!! Now I was really starting to wonder what I had gotten myself into! I don't think any amount of recovery time prepares you for that experience. But me sitting here writing this is proof I survived! The rest of the year was spent with family and friends for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Good times for all. I was still alive but more importantly two beautiful new little girls. My mom was quick to inform me that they were the first girls born on our side of the family in 70 years.

Overall, a pretty great year. I'll try and get the 2013 update out soon. I'm sure I left some important event out of this update and Alyson will remind anyway.

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